About Us

Company Profile

SAI is working to bring the promise of advanced air mobility to transportation markets across Japan.

Our executive team has extensive experience conducting public eVTOL flights in Japan and has developed or contributed to key concepts of operations for AAM and vertiports in Japan. SAI was founded in 2023 to build on this success and support regional sponsors to develop commercial AAM services of their own.

With offices in Japan , we are working with world class partners in aircraft, ground infrastructure, digital platforms, and operations to grow the vision of AAM into an economic reality in Japan.

Shibadaimon Bldg

Our Team

Tetsuya Yamada


AAM visionary, chairman of Sanwa Supply, formerly president for nearly 30 years.

Tatsuhiro Horie

Vice President

Founding leader of Sanwa Supply’s AAM activities and business operations.

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